Scroll down for photos from past events

Spring Luncheon
Installation of Officers
Monday, April 21
12:00 ~ 3:00 pm
Maggiano's Little Italy • Scottsdale
More information coming soon
FREE Online Study Group

Dr. Rick Hodes talks with a girl at the Blue Nile Medical Clinic
in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Repairing the World:
An American Doctor Saves Thousands of Lives in Ethiopia
Thursday, April 10
10:00 ~ 11:00 am AZ
In celebration of National Volunteer Month, the Phoenix Chapter of BNC invites all BNC members to attend a session of our Repairing the World study group.
In this online event, you will meet Dr. Rick Hodes, medical director of the Ethiopia Spine and Heart project of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC). Dr. Hodes has spent more than two decades as a physician treating children in one of the world’s poorest countries. His work has been the subject of a book (Marilyn Berger’s “This is a Soul”) and three documentaries ( HBO’s “Making the Crooked Straight,” Sam Shnider’s “Bewoket” and “Zemene”).
For his lifelong dedication to treating children with life-threatening diseases, he received an honorary degree from Brandeis in 2013.
There is no charge for this event.
Photo: Courtesy of JDC
The Brandeis Archives and Special Collections has launched an online exhibition of Brandeis National Committee materials such as conference programs, membership brochures, and other ephemera dating from the 1960s to the 1990s. This collection provides insight into the founding days of Brandeis and the role the BNC had in fundraising for the university and the library.
Take a trip back in time and enjoy looking at this collection! If you have materials you wold like to donate to the archives, please email [email protected].


GAME DAY • March 17
Event Chairs
Terriann Kleiner • Jan Lebovitz • Ruth Lerner • Roberta Selnick • Linda Ullman • Iris Wigal

Book & Author 2025
A Brunch was held on January 17 to thank the Table Captains, who put together one or more tables of their friends to sit together at Book & Author.
Thank you to the co-Chairs: Hillary Kaminsky, Ruth Lerner, Susan Sacks and Linda Ullman, to Barb Schwartz for the delightful decorations and a special thank you to Donna Heller, for sharing her beautiful home with us.

UNIVERSITY ON WHEELS • January 10, 2025

Attendees at University on Wheels enjoyed a delicious Brunch and heard a fascinating talk from Dr. Avital Rodal of Brandeis University, co-chair of the new program and BNC's current campaign, Engineering the Future: The BNC Professorship in Engineering Science
L-R: Michelle Fischler (co-chair), Professor Rodal, Ronee Siegel and Beth Messer (co-chairs), Joyce Steinberg (co-president) and Ingrid Schorr, Interim BNC Executive Director
The day after University on Wheels, Ingrid Schorr, the Interim BNC Executive Director, and fellow Brandeis members went on a hike.

Welcome Back Fiesta
At Aunt Chilada's in Phoenix
Event Chairs: Carrol Gottried and Pearle Marr
Event VPs: Wendy Cohen and Ellen Kirschenbaum

Photos: Gale Gradus

Spring Event/Installation of the
2024-2025 Chapter Board

Event Chairs:
Carol Kadet,
Marilyn Reinfeld,
Hillary Kaminsky

Volunteering Words of Wisdom
Volunteers don't get paid, not because they're worthless, but because they're priceless.
~ Sherry Anderson
Volunteering is the ultimate exercise in democracy. You vote in elections once a year, but when you volunteer, you vote every day about the kind of community you want to live in. ~ Anonymous
We make a living by what we get.
We make a life by what we give.
~ Winston Churchill
We thank, honor and appreciate all our Board members and other Chapter volunteers, without whom this chapter could not exist.


Event Chairs: Stephanie Klopper, Joyce Steinberg
Collage Photos: Gale Gradus

Event Chairs: Ruth Lerner, Susie Sacks, Andrew Tievsky
Photos: Gale Gradus

University on Wheels
Left to right: Chapter Presidents Ellen Widoff and Leith Baletin, Event co-Chair Gale Stam, Speaker Zachary Albert, Event co-Chair Barbara Stern, Brandeis National Committee President Merle Carrus