Scroll down for photos from past events

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Book & Author 2025 Events
Sunday, February 23

Bookmark Donor Cocktail Reception with the Authors
and the Donor Dinner with the Authors

Monday, February 24
Luncheon • Authors • Boutiques

pastel game day

Prepare to Play!

Monday, March 17

10:30 am ~ 2:30 pm

Registration details to follow

A sunset with the name of brandeis national committee.

Annual Meeting & Program

Wednesday, March 19

10:00 am ~ 12:00 pm

More information coming soon


purple mask

Book & Author 2025

A Brunch was held on January 17 to thank the Table Captains, who put together one or more tables of their friends to sit together at Book & Author.

Thank you to the co-Chairs: Hillary Kaminsky, Ruth Lerner, Susan Sacks and Linda Ullman, to Barb Schwartz for the delightful decorations and a special thank you to Donna Heller, for sharing her beautiful home with us.


UNIVERSITY ON WHEELS • January 10, 2025


Attendees at University on Wheels enjoyed a delicious Brunch and heard a fascinating talk from Dr. Avital Rodal of Brandeis University, co-chair of the new program and BNC's current campaign, Engineering the Future: The BNC Professorship in Engineering Science

L-R: Michelle Fischler (co-chair), Professor Rodal, Ronee Siegel and Beth Messer (co-chairs), Joyce Steinberg (co-president) and Ingrid Schorr, Interim BNC Executive Director

The day after University on Wheels, Ingrid Schorr, the Interim BNC Executive Director, and fellow Brandeis members went on a hike.

A colorful word that is written in the shape of west.

Welcome Back Fiesta

At Aunt Chilada's in Phoenix

Event Chairs: Carrol Gottried and Pearle Marr

Event VPs: Wendy Cohen and Ellen Kirschenbaum

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Photos: Gale Gradus

A colorful illustration of people and a giant flask.

Spring Event/Installation of the
2024-2025 Chapter Board

A collage of people holding boxes and posing for the camera.

Event Chairs:
Carol Kadet, ​
Marilyn Reinfeld,
Hillary Kaminsky

Three women standing next to a podium.
A group of people sitting around tables with cakes.
A group of women sitting at tables with plates.
A collage of women posing for pictures at an event.

Volunteering Words of Wisdom

Volunteers don't get paid, not because they're worthless, but because they're priceless.
~ Sherry Anderson

Volunteering is the ultimate exercise in democracy. You vote in elections once a year, but when you volunteer, you vote every day about the kind of community you want to live in. ~ Anonymous

We make a living by what we get.
We make a life by what we give.
~ Winston Churchill

We thank, honor and appreciate all our Board members and other Chapter volunteers, without whom this chapter could not exist.

Two pictures of a person at the podium
A group of people in a room with chairs.
A close up of the newspaper page with an ad for chart beat.
Two women standing in front of a wooden door.
Three pictures of a woman and man at the podium.


A group of men sitting in front of each other.

Event Chairs: Stephanie Klopper, Joyce Steinberg
Collage Photos: Gale Gradus

A group of people standing in front of a wall.

University on Wheels

Left to right: Chapter Presidents Ellen Widoff and Leith Baletin, Event co-Chair Gale Stam, Speaker Zachary Albert, Event co-Chair Barbara Stern, Brandeis National Committee President Merle Carrus

Event Chairs:
Ken Walter, Jeff Lerner, Rich Kleiner